Brigadier General Pilot-Aviator Paulo Américo Oliveira da Costa was born in Vila do Conde, Portugal, in 1969. He joined the Air Force Academy in 1988 and completed his Military and Aeronautical Sciences degree in 1994. He graduated from the USAF Undergraduate Pilot Training (Laughlin Air Force Base - Texas) in 1992–93.
His first assignment as Junior Officer was with the 101 Squadron as an Instructor Pilot. In 1998, he transferred to the 601 Squadron, having successfully obtained the qualifications of Pilot in Command, Mission Commander, and Pilot Instructor on the maritime patrol aircraft P-3 ORION.
He attended the General Air Warfare Course at the Air Force Institute of Advanced Studies in the 2002-2003 academic year.
As a Senior Officer, he commanded the 601 Squadron, between May 2008 and June 2011. During this period, he took part in the Modernization Program of the P-3C CUP+ fleet, assuming responsibility for aircraft testing and operational implementation. In 2011, he commanded the National Detached Force in the fight against piracy off the coast of Somalia, Operation "OCEAN SHIELD".
In July 2011, he was selected for the Prime Minister's Office as an adviser on Defense and Security matters. In May 2013, he was appointed a full member of the Monitoring Committee for the National Defense Reform "DEFESA 2020".
From 2014 until 2017, he served as a Military Advisor at the Portuguese Military Representation (MILREP) to NATO and the European Union in Brussels.
Between October 2017 and October 2019, he was appointed Head of Operations Division on the Air Force General Staff. During this period, he was appointed the national Director of the NATO AEW&C Programme Management Organization and Director of the AW-119 KOALA Acquisition Program and took the lead in its operational implementation.
He held command of Air Base No. 11 (Beja, Portugal) from October 2019 until October 2021.
He attended the General Officer Promotion Course at the Military University Institute in the 2021-2022 academic year.
Between September 2022 and August 2023, he was the Head of the Joint Operations Education Department and the Military Techniques and Technologies Education Department at the Military University Institute.
In August 2023, he was appointed Air Operations Director at the Portuguese Air Command.
Brigadier General Paulo Costa has 5,000 flight hours in the P-3 and TB-30 EPSILON. He has been distinguished with several Commendations and Decorations, including Distinguished Service Medals (Silver), Military Merit (1st and 2nd Class), Aeronautical Merit (2nd Class), Exemplary Behavior (Gold), and two NATO Service Medals.
Brigadier General Paulo Costa is married and has four children.
(Biography current as of August 2024)