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Enhanced aircrew, controller training achieved during second Ramstein Alloy exercise

ŠIAULIAI AIR BASE, Lithuania -- NATO and Partner aircraft from Portugal, the United Kingdom, Finland, and the United States trained quick reaction aircrews and controllers here June 7-8 during the second Ramstein Alloy exercise.  Through training scenarios designed for the thrice-annual event, air and ground crews heightened and honed their skills, which support NATO Alliance and Partner quick reaction techniques, tactics and procedures to support safe and secure skies in the region.

Previously named Baltic Regional Training Events –or BRTEs—the Ramstein Alloy exercise enables additional training for the newest rotation of aircraft and personnel supporting NATO’s BAP mission in the region.  Portugal and the United Kingdom serve as the current BAP nations, based here and in Amari, Estonia, respectively.  In addition, Alliance Partner Finland provided interceptor aircraft to conduct live flying activities and exercise quick reaction scenarios. United States Air Force tankers and an E-3D Airborne Early Warning plane from Royal Air Force Waddington also flew in support of Ramstein Alloy 2.  

"The additional training opportunities helped further develop relationships among NATO Member and Partner air forces and increased interoperability between aircrew, aircraft and ground crews,” said German Lieutenant Colonel Uwe Glasner, Allied Combined Air Operation Centre (CAOC) Uedem Ramstein Alloy planner.

"Additional objectives achieved through this Ramstein Alloy included reinforcing common aircraft identification methods, training on procedures for assisting aircraft in distress and exercising military and civilian agency cooperation across regional borders,” Lieutenant Colonel Glasner further explained.

Ramstein Alloy 2’s program included dissimilar aircraft training of Allied and Partner fighter aircraft, as well air-to-air refuelling, airborne controlling from the E-3D, and search and rescue scenarios. Other aerial training conducted occurred at altitudes above 20,000 ft. or 6,000 m, barely visible from the ground.

The Ramstein Alloy exercise series, executed through NATO’s Headquarters Allied Air Command at Ramstein, Germany, and the Allied CAOC Uedem, Germany, helps assure and train NATO Allies and Partners in the Baltic region. The event is designed to enhance relations among regional air and ground forces and to further develop interoperability through defensive practice drills.

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