ADAZI, Latvia – NATO Allied Air Command’s third Ramstein Alloy Baltic training event takes to the skies 27 and 28 September, with Allied and Partner air and ground crews honing interoperability, command and control and aerial skills. The tri-annual event uses training scenarios to enhance air policing procedures and Allied-Partner relationships using NATO’s Baltic Air Policing (BAP) assets and regional air forces.

Baltic Air Policing French M2000-5 fighters prepare for take-off at
Siauliai Air Base, Lithuania. French,
German, and Polish fighters, along with Partner nation fighters from Sweden and
Finland, will participate in NATO Allied Air Command’s RAMSTEIN ALLOY training
event across the Baltic region. Photo by
Arnas Glazauskas
Similar to previous Ramstein Alloys, the two-day schedule features the newest rotation of aircraft and personnel supporting NATO’s BAP mission. At present, the French Air Force flies M2000-5 fighters deployed to Siauliai, Lithuania as the lead BAP nation, with German Eurofighters augmenting the BAP mission in Amari, Estonia.
During Ramstein Alloy, Poland, along with Alliance Partners Sweden and
Finland, will join the French and German fighters to participate in
air-to-air intercept, search and rescue and communication loss
(COMMLOSS) training. The Lithuanian Air Force will provide a transport
aircraft to simulate the COMMLOSS aircraft scenario, while Latvia and
Estonia will provide ground air controllers. In addition, a Latvian
helicopter will support the Combat Search and Rescue scenario, and a
NATO E-3A AWACS aircraft will provide air command and control during the
live flying activities and quick reaction scenarios.
German Eurofighters line the runway in Amari, Estonia. Allied and Partner aircraft train with
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia aircraft and command and control assets during
Ramstein Alloy. The event practices
regional air policing procedures, enhances Allied and Partner relationships,
and assures Alliance members of NATO’s operational capabilities. Photo courtesy
of the German Bundeswehr.
the scenarios provide enhanced training for NATO’s rotational BAP assets and
Baltic aircraft controllers, Ramstein Alloy 3 objectives specifically include exercising
military and civilian agency cooperation, training on procedures for assisting
aircraft in distress, reinforcing common aircraft identification methods and
improving interoperability between nations and aircraft. The Ramstein Alloy series, executed through
NATO’s Headquarters Allied Air Command at Ramstein, Germany, and the Allied
Combined Air Operations Centre at Uedem, Germany, helps assure and train NATO
Allies and Partners in the Baltic region. Ramstein Alloy is a continuation of
the Baltic Regional Training Event – or BRTE - series, which ran regularly
since 2008.
by HQ AIRCOM Public Affairs Office