UEDEM, Germany – The Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in Uedem, Germany, is playing an important role during U.S.-led exercise BALTIC OPERATIONS (BALTOPS) 2017 by coordinating all air assets.
BALTOPS 2017 is the 45th edition of the annual multinational, maritime-heavy exercise offering high-end training. The exercise involves 6,000 military personnel, 50 ships and submarines from Allies Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States as well as NATO Partners Finland and Sweden and more than 50 aircraft.
Originally the largest naval exercise in Northern Europe, BALTOPS this year is
designed to enhance coordination and cooperation with air forces for the first
time. In what NATO terms "Air Maritime Integration” the CAOC at Uedem is responsible for planning and executing all flight movements.
CAOC Uedem is coordinating U.S. Air Force and NATO AWACS planes, German, Polish and U.S. fighter aircraft, German and U.S. tanker aircraft as well as U.S. B-52 and B-1 bombers. All maritime aircraft, helicopter and civilian contractor aircraft are also scheduled by the CAOC.
"BALTOPS 17 provides the CAOC with an excellent opportunity to train and further improve its command and control structures as well as operational tactics, techniques and procedures specifically with Navy units,” said Major General Thierry Dupont, Commander CAOC Uedem.
The joint multinational live training exercise BALTOPS, which concludes on Jun. 16, is designed to enhance flexibility and interoperability through a series of combined tactical manoeuvres and scenarios involving NATO Allies’ and Partner assets.
Story by Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office based on information provided by CAOC Uedem