RAMSTEIN, Germany - Over 130 Close Air Support (CAS) subject matter experts, from 24 nations, NATO entities and industry, met September 26 to 28 at the United States Air Force Warrior Preparation Centre, Einsiedlerhof, Germany for the 2017 NATO CAS Conference.
This year’s conference, titled "Employing the NATO Joint Terminal Attack Controller in Major Joint Operations” was hosted by Allied Air Command’s Forward Air Control Capabilities Section and opened by Commander Allied Air Command General Tod D. Wolters.
Attendees, including national program managers, operational decision makers and leading industry partners, explored the latest Air-Land Integration, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs). More than 25 presentations fueled in depth discussions over an intensive 3 day schedule, the desired outcome to advance Alliance capabilities through collaboration and innovation.
The annual gathering has grown in size and scope in recent years and, for the first time, included participants from NATO’s Air Operations Coordination Centres. This addition marks a shift in how Land and Air Forces work together to meet today’s threats. With an array of multi-national leaders working together to forge the way ahead, the 2017 NATO CAS Conference clearly demonstrates unified resolve and capability.
Story by Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office