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Exercise Ramstein Guard integrates into Dutch-led Frisian Flag

RAMSTEIN, Germany ­- This week, Electronic Warfare Exercise Ramstein Guard 3-17 takes place at Leeuwarden Air Base, the Netherlands, integrated into the Dutch-led live-fly exercise Frisian Flag 2017.

The NATO Electronic Warfare Force Integration Programme (NEWFIP) is the Allied system-training designed to provide integrated and coordinated training to NATO forces on operating in an adverse electromagnetic environment. 

NATO’s Allied Air Command is in charge of planning, organising and executing the training of Allied air forces in accordance with established standards and uses the Ramstein Guard Exercise series to conduct NEWFIP training.  Introduced in 2005, typically twelve serials are scheduled annually. 

"These exercises are executed by one of Allied Air Command’s two Combined Air Operations Centres (CAOCs),” says Lieutenant Colonel Giovanni Pagano, Italian Air Force, the project officer at Headquarters Allied Air Command. "Each Ramstein Guard involves one or several NATO member Nations and trains all functions of the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS) in an electronic warfare environment.”

Allied Air Command uses a civilian contractor and technical support from the Joint Electronic Warfare Core Staff  or JEWCS to stage individual events.  Allies are encouraged to integrate as many assets as they wish into the training events for maximum benefit.

"The Ramstein Guard manoeuvres are executed in various locations within the NATO borders each year,” says Pagano. "Individual serials are planned and deconflicted with all participating nations the year prior to execution. Ramstein Guard exercises are a standing training program not connected to any real-world events.”

NATO continues to pursue cooperative security and investing in capacity building and training efforts enhances integrated Allied and individual member country’s resilience.

Story by Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office

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