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 Aug 9 2019

Farewell to Italian Air Force Eurofighters from enhanced Air Policing over Romania

On August 8, 2019 , the Italian Air Force detachment completed its mission executing NATO’s enhanced Air Policing in Romania. During an official ceremony at Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base, Major General Constantin Dobre, Deputy Chief of the Romanian Air Force bade farewell to the Italian Eurofighter detachment represented by Major General Gianni Candotti, Chief of the Air Force Operational Command. 

During the ceremony, Major General Dobre has awarded the Romanian Air Force Emblem of Honour to eight members of the Italian Eurofighter detachment “in recognition of their outstanding support and commitment in developing partnership”.  Showcasing the excellent collaboration and friendship of the two Allies, an Italian Eurofighter and a twoship of Romanian MiG-21 conducted an overflight of the ceremomy.

“It is my great pleasure and deep honour to be here among our Allies to mark the completion of a successful Italian Air Force rotation as part of NATO’s enhanced Air Policing mission,” said General Candotti. “ As members of the Alliance, we are committed to the same goals, and it is our responsibility to support each other in meeting them,” he added.

"Italy’s contribution to enhanced Air Policing in Romania supports NATO’s request for reassurance measures, meant to demonstrate the Alliance’s determination in promoting security and stability in region,” added General Candotti. 

“It is  more  than  security assurance – it is an excellent example of commitment to  collective defence. I  would like to express my personal  appreciation to all of you, from both  

the  Italian detachment and the Romanian Host Nation for what you have achieved in the last three and a half months securing the skies of Romania and NATO’s eastern border,” he concluded.

Italy’s contribution to NATO's enhanced Air Policing in Romania is meant to demonstrate the Alliance’s determination in promoting security and stability in region

After the ceremony, while General Candotti visited the Italian detachment and addressed the team led by Colonel Andrea Fazi, Italian Eurofighters took to the skies in response to an unidentified aircraft heading towards NATO airspace near Romania. This was the fourth time that NATO Combined Air Operations Centre at Torrejon launched the Italian Eurofighters for an Air Policing interception during their deployment. 

More photos can be found here.

Story by Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office

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