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 Sep 23 2020

Live-Fly Exercise Ramstein Alloy Ends in Estonia

RAMSTEIN, Germany - Allied and Partner military aircraft as well as a NATO Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft successfully completed the air drills in the Baltic region flying effective training missions and demonstrating presence in the area.

On the second day, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish and Portuguese fighter jets flew air-to-air missions with Partner fighters from Finland and Sweden in Estonian and Lithuanian airspace. 

For more than 12 years, Ramstein Alloy exercises have  allowed Allies and Partners to exercise common TTPs for quick response fighter operations

An Estonian M-28 light transport aircraft conducted aerial manoeuvres with the German Eurofighters simulating a low-level slow-moving aircraft that was identified, located and escorted in Estonian airspace.

The exercise objectives for Air-to-Air Refuelling were achieved on the first day with a Royal Netherlands Air Force KDC-10 tanker refueling Polish Air Force F-16s allowing them to extend their “playtime” for diverse aircraft combat training or DACT with other Allies and Partners.

Overall control of the event was with NATO’s Northern  Combined  Air  Operations  Centre (CAOC)  at  Uedem,   Germany,  and   tactical

missions were controlled by Control and Reporting Centre Tallinn, Estonia.

The exercise also received support from a NATO AWACS aircraft, which, on its return flight to Geilenkirchen Air Base, Germany, conducted a flyby over the Estonian capital of Tallinn. Aircrews conduct such deviation approaches to alternate airports to practice procedures over unknown or unfamiliar air bases and to coordinate with civilian Air Traffic Controllers.

The third Ramstein Alloy exercise in 2020 wraps up the series for this year. The events allowed Allies and Partners to exercise common tactics, techniques and procedures for quick response fighter operations and all related elements. Since 2008, NATO via Allied Air Command and the CAOC at Uedem has regularly used the concept of bringing together Allied and Partner air forces from the Baltic region for this practical training. This activity shows NATO commitment and solidarity in the region providing visible deterrence and defence.

Story by Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office

NATO Partners Sweden and Finland participated in Ramstein Alloy 20-3 training flights on both days. A Swedish Air Force JAS-39 Gripen taking off to join NATO jets during quick reaction alert training. Photo courtesy Swedish Air Force.
Portuguese F-16 and two Italian Eurofighter jets conducting aerial training during Ramstein Alloy 20-3. Both Allies transferred their fighter aircraft to NATO - Italy for Baltic Air Policing out of Lithuania and Portugal for Assurance Measures out of Poland. Photo courtesy Portuguese Air Force.
On September 22, a NATO Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft conducted a low pass over Tallinn on its return flight to Geilenkirchen, Germany. The AWACS plane can be used as an airborne control unit for fighter activity. Photo Sigrid Pukk/Estonian Defence Forces.

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