The E-3A Component deployed an E-3A NATO AWACS aircraft with 50 crewmembers from the Operations and Logistic Wings from 18 November to 3 December to support the exercise. Several nations participated in TLP, including: Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Greece and the United States, along with several types of aircraft.
The NATO AWACS has a long history of supporting TLP. This programme provides a unique, robust and high value training opportunity to our international combat ready crews
"The NATO AWACS has a long history of supporting TLP. This programme provides a unique, robust and high value training opportunity to our international combat ready crews. The advanced Command and Control (C2) capabilities of the E-3A will greatly enhance the multi-domain, and integration of assets, technologies and Capabilities during TLP," Said Major General Thomas Kunkel, Force Commander.
NATO E-3A on the flight line at Los Lanos Air Base, Spain with fighters and helicopters participating in the latest iteration of the TLP course. Photo courtesy of NATO TV.
The TLP COMAO Flying Course aims to improve the tactical leadership skills and flying capabilities of front line fighter Mission Commanders. The course provides an environment that encourages the discussion and development of multi-national tactics, participants find the best way to employ the differing aircraft capabilities of multi-national forces during Composite Air Operations.
Different scenarios are flown and we gain experience in integration with other C2, ISR platforms and ground units
"The intent of the course is to train young pilots to become a mission commander," said Major Patricia Allemeersch, E3-A Evaluator Tactical Director. "Different scenarios are flown and we gain experience in integration with other C2, ISR platforms and ground units."
The TLP is a multinational headquarters based at Los Lanos Air Base, Spain. Military and civilian personnel from ten NATO nations are participating in the programme with the main objective of increasing the effectiveness of Allied air forces in the field of tactical leadership. The courses held at Albacete are based on NATO and national doctrine and concepts. In order to keep abreast of current developments, the training courses continuously seek to integrate modern aircraft into the activities.