RAMSTEIN, Germany - 15 people from Deployable Air Command Centre (DACCC) located at Poggio Renatico, Italy are participating in Exercise Loyal Leda 22 in Türkiye for the first time as an Air Support Operation Centre (ASOC) from 30 November to 9 December 2022
as a result of new international situation and training requirements agreed upon by NATO for the Allied forces, ideas to implement and standardize the use of ASOCs have been discussed and analyzed in a LANDCOM-AIRCOM join process
Loyal Leda 22 is an Allied Land Command sponsored land domain tactical level virtual exercise (CAX/CPX) planned and focused for the evaluation of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (NRDC) Türkiye in the warfighting Corps role as well as to train up to one additional Corps HQ and one Division HQ.
ASOC is foreseen as a tactical Air Command and Control entity able to provide airspace control overhead the Corps Area of Operations, for the best possible integration of air and land weapon system capabilities, to deliver military effects and achieve operational objectives. ASOC is, therefore, a Tac AirC2 entity in charge of, among other things, providing airspace management and coordination for air and land current operations.

ASOC is foreseen as a tactical Air Command and Control entity able to provide airspace control overhead the Corps Area of Operations, for the best possible integration of air and land weapon system capabilities, to deliver military effects and achieve operational objectives. Photo by: DACCC

The DACCC was tasked to implement the ASOC at the NATO Command Structure level, building on their experience of delivering a vast range of courses such as Initial Functional JFAC Training, Specialized Heavy Air Refueling Course and Missile Defense Course, and on their direct experience meeting the Battle Groups during the Ramstein Dust exercises. Photo by: DACCC

15 people from Deployable Air Command Centre (DACCC) located at Poggio Renatico, Italy are participating in Exercise Loyal Leda 22 in Türkiye for the first time as an Air Support Operation Centre (ASOC) from 30 November to 9 December 2022 Photo by: DACCC
“The absence of opponents with relevant air defense capabilities has gradually deteriorated the allied ability to plan and execute land and air operations inside a congested and contested battle space in a coordinated manner” said Group Captain Martin Cunningham, ASOC team leader “as a result of new international situation and training requirements agreed upon by NATO for the Allied forces, ideas to implement and standardize the use of ASOCs have been discussed and analyzed in a LANDCOM-AIRCOM join process”.
The DACCC was tasked to implement the ASOC at the NATO Command Structure level, building on their experience of delivering a vast range of courses such as Initial Functional JFAC Training, Specialized Heavy Air Refueling Course and Missile Defense Course, and on their direct experience meeting the Battle Groups during the Ramstein Dust exercises; further contributing to NATO’s goal of assuring European stability and continuing to be at the centre of NATO’s vital AirC2 capability.