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 Jun 20 2022

NATOs deployable command and control centre ready to test capabilities

RAMSTEIN, Germany – Personnel from NATO's Deployable Air Command and Control Centre (DACCC) get started on exercise Ramstein Dust II 2022 running June 20 – 28.

The DACCC based in Poggio Renatico, Italy deployed its core DARS capability to Türkiye last week. The DARS is tasked under the DACCC to execute tactical command and control, battlespace management, and area surveillance, as the only NATO Command Structure deployable Control and Reporting Centre operational unit. The exercise is designed to evaluate the deployment and re-deployment of the capability and its ability to operate from a remote site.

The integration of the two exercises offers unique training opportunities with regards to NATO crisis and conflict procedures for large scale air operations

"The integration of the two exercises offers unique training opportunities with regards to NATO crisis and conflict procedures for large scale air operations," said Colonel Jörg Sieratzki Exercise Director, Ramstein Dust.

"The multinational character of the Anatolia Eagle constitutes a premium opportunity to prove the readiness of our personnel and equipment for this challenging mission, especially against the backdrop of large force scenarios covering most aspects of modern air operations."

During this period, Ramstein Dust is linked to the Turkish led exercise Anatolian Eagle 22. This allows the command and control centre to train crisis and conflict procedures of large-scale NATO Air Operations.

Anatolian Eagle is a tactical live flight training exercise conducted at Konya Air Base, Türkiye. The pairing of the exercises will enhance the operational capabilities of the DARS within the overall framework of NATO Air Command & Control (C2). The DARS will execute test cases that will foster future rapid integration into the NATO and Turkish Air Defence System to locally augment or enhance the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence Posture.

During the exercises, the DARS trains and exercises its staff in a mission-critical skill set. The team have to demonstrate their capability to deploy out of garrison, to build-up a tactical deployment site and conduct integration testing that facilitates the core task of providing tactical control of live air operations, before dismantling the facilities and redeploying to garrison.

Story by Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office

Personnel from NATO's Deployable Air Command and Control Centre (DACCC) get started on exercise Ramstein Dust II 2022 running June 20 – 28..

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