TOULOUSE, France - From February 21 to March 10, the French Air and Space Force conducts its annual military Space exercise AsterX 23 focused on training the French Space Command (CDE) units in space surveillance and the protection of national space assets and cooperation with Allies.
Ensuring safety and peace in space is a major challenge and we must rise to this task collectively. This is the spirit of the exercise AsterX
“The aim of AsterX 2023 is to continue the training of French Space Command units in a realistic and complex simulated environment to meet the challenges emerging from constantly increasing and diverse threats,” said Major General Philippe Adam, commander of the French Space Command. “The exercise tests the interoperability of space operations command and control with the other command structures and is aimed at validating the methods for obtaining combined effects on the ground,” he added.
Involving a total of 200 participants from France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the United States and NATO, AsterX is closely integrated with the joint forces exercise ORION 23 designed to prepare for a military large-scale operation involving combined forces in all domains of conflict and warfare. About thirty International Allies and Partners also take part in the event enhancing operational cooperation in the space domain.

Major General Philippe Adam, Commander French Space Command: "The aim of AsterX 2023 is to continue the training of French Space Command units in a realistic and complex simulated environment to meet the challenges emerging from constantly increasing and diverse threats.” Photo courtesy French Air and Space Force.

The French Air and Space Force conducts the annual Space exercise AsterX 23 focused on training the French Space Command units in space surveillance, the protection of national space assets and cooperation with Allies. Photo courtesy French Air and Space Force.

Major General Philippe Adam, Commander French Space Command (second from right) discussing with German participants during AsterX23; the exercise enhances operational cooperation in the space domain. Photo courtesy French Air and Space Force.

The French National Centre for Space Studies, international Allies and partners from industry are fully engaged in AsterX 23 working collectively towards further develop Space cooperation. Photo courtesy French Air and Space Force.
“This year, the exercise will take place in real-time, as opposed to the time-lapse approach used in previous editions; it provides increased tactical realism during the phases of data processing and space situation analysis,” General Adam concluded.
AsterX 2023 is based on a specifically designed technical platform, augmented with new functionalities and a scenario that includes twenty-three space events including one in the cyber domain. The French National Centre for Space Studies and partners from industry are fully engaged in this exercise.
“Ensuring safety and peace in space is a major challenge and we must rise to this task collectively. This is the spirit of the exercise AsterX,” added General Adam. “Together and united we are working towards the common goal of advancing and learning together to further develop our cooperation,” he said.