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We coordinate NATO Space matters

NATO Space Operations Centre

In December 2019, NATO Heads of State and Government declared space as the Alliance’s “fifth domain” of operations, alongside land, sea, air and cyberspace. NATO Defence Ministers subsequently agreed to the creation of a space centre at NATO’s Allied Air Command in Ramstein, Germany during a meeting in October 2020. In 2024, the growth of the NATO Space enterprise resulted in the creation of the Combined Force Space Component Command (CFSpCC) and the NATO Space Operations Centre (NSpOC) both located at Allied Air Command, Ramstein.

Space is essential to the Alliance’s deterrence and defence. The mission of our multinational team manning the NATO Space Operation Centre is to help coordinate Allied Space activities, support NATO activities and operations, and help protect Allied Space systems by sharing information about potential threats. The centre works closely with the Allies’ national Space agencies and organisations and the NATO Command Structure to fuse data, products and services provided by nations, such as imagery, navigation and early warning.

By streamlining requests for Space products through a single NATO entity, we can increase the speed, efficiency and effectiveness of commanders’ decisions. Our aim is to provide support not only to the operational headquarters but also to tactical units.

Currently, experts from 16 Allied Nations are assigned to the Space Operations Centre. It is anticipated the centre will receive additional personnel from several other Allies as it grows over time, ensuring the required capacity across NATO. Requests for Space support are not limited to Allies with Space capabilities. Rather, all nations can provide data, products and services, which can be merged into a single NATO product. This common Space Operations picture can then be shared across the Alliance.

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66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach

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