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We forge NATO’s air forces into Allied AirPower

Modern Aircraft Integration

NATO Air Power’s core purpose is and always will be the control and exploitation of the air domain to deliver a military effect for the Alliance. While this fundamental purpose is enduring, the capabilities brought to bear are constantly evolving. Modern Aircraft are the latest manifestation of this continuing evolution. These Modern Aircraft with their unique combination of low observable signature, multi-spectral fused sensors, unmatched speed and maneuverability as well as advanced logistics support take NATO Airpower to an entirely new level. When integrated with the Alliances existing fleets, these advanced machines provide NATO with a distinct advantage over any potential adversaries for the foreseeable future.

Integrating these new capabilities requires the development of associated tactics, techniques and procedures to sustain NATO’s ability to control and exploit the air domain. NATO’s Allied Air Command is at the forefront of the work required to amplify and enhance the effectiveness of the Alliance’s existing resources through the integration of Modern Aircraft. Key areas impacted by the introduction of these new technologies are NATO’s Air Policing mission, Command and Control connectivity, airspace management, exercises and force employment.

Air Policing: For member nations that intend to employ modern aircraft for Air Policing, super cruise capability and higher maximum speeds require adapted procedures and techniques as endurance and range increase. Greater areas can then be covered by fewer assets and time from alert launch to on-scene arrival will be significantly reduced.

Command and Control connectivity: Modern Aircraft are able to contribute to and provide unprecedented battlespace awareness. In order to take maximum advantage of this capability, technical connectivity is required for all integrated platforms to communicate and exchange data.

Airspace management: Increased sensor and weapon ranges require larger training airspace. Allied Air Command provides a supporting function to national efforts to secure adequate airspace for NATO training.

Exercises: Exercise scenarios need to be tailored and adapted to meet Modern Aircraft training requirements and to benefit pilots as much as command and control personnel.

Force Employment: Stealth characteristics and shared sensor capabilities require a reassessment of force employment as 4th Generation and Modern Aircraft working in mutual support can be utilized as Force Multipliers.

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